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test water damage dry out restorations
test water damage dry out restorations

Disconnect the Power and All Electronics

Major spills can leach into spaces where you have outlets, cords, electronics, and appliances.

Before touching anything, go to your circuit box and cut the power. If water has come into contact with live electricity, touching it can cause serious injury or even death.

Once the power has been cut, unplug devices and remove any appliances or other electronics. If they have gotten wet, consult manufacturer’s recommendations for protecting them from further damage.

Move Items From Affected Area

Next, move out any other portable objects, such as rugs, chairs, and other furnishings. They can continue to soak up water and suffer more damage. Try to place them in a clean dry area that dripping water will not affect, such as a garage, porch, or unfinished basement floor with a drain.

Dry the Area 

One of the biggest challenges lies in drying the affected area as quickly as possible. Standing water will continue to soak into floors, dry wall, and other areas, causing additional damage. 

In many cases, using the household’s full complement of bath towels will not do the job. We advise that, depending on the amount of water, you either rent or buy a shop vac or a small water pump. Once the excess water is removed, then mops, towels, and other common cleaning items can help to absorb what is left.

Next, you want to carefully inspect the affected area to gain an assessment of the potential damage. 

Also, remember that the biggest potential for long term and costly problems will come in areas that you cannot easily reach or see.

Disinfect and Watch Out For Mold Growth

In almost any condition, especially during periods of warmth and humidity, a large water spill can quickly grow into a biohazard. Wet building materials, such as dry wall, can quickly attract mold spores. When saturated with water, it can break down fibers and create the “food” that mold needs to thrive.

Another factor in mold growth is darkness. This means that if water damage extends into crawlspaces, under flooring, or behind cabinet, you could experience mold growth. Medical experts warn that certain types of mold could cause ongoing respiratory and allergy issues.

We recommend that you disinfect the area as quickly as possible to inhibit the possibility of mold growth. 

Call a Professional

In many cases, we encourage property owners to call a professional to assess potential issues after serious water damage. These could include everything from mold to structural damage, any of which could threaten the safety of those inside. 

Our teams know how to quickly and efficiently check for trouble during and after major leaks, spills, and floods. We can recommend or perform ourselves the right techniques for restoration and recovery.

Check out our full selection of services. If you experience water damage issues, be sure and call the experts at Dry Out Restoration. 



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